Solid Ink: Old Pigments 1oz set (10 colours)
Beautiful set of 10 tradition colour tones in a new set from the team at Solid Ink.
Something very new from one of the worlds leading ink brands. Designed and prepared more in line with traditional ink preparation, with fewer ingredients and created from a strict set of base tones. The outcome is a very earthy, strong colour range Solid Ink have simply called “OLD PIGMENTS”
- El Picante
- Oro
- Jade
- Old Brown
- Blue 15
- Green 7
- Traditional Orange
- Coffee
- Dirty Green
- Satan
Solid Inks' "OLD PIGMENTS" are a combination of traditional methods and ingredients, and in some cases, mixed with pre-dispersed formulas. All colours are made of what they call “powder” pigments. These tones were achieved using a different approach.
For example when you see Brown, its a combination of Red, Yellow, Green and Black. Solid Ink have not used any Orange, Magenta, Brown or Violet as a base, only what we like to call "OLD PIGMENTS".
The selection of these powder pigments is based on decades of experience, and they have shown to be the most stable and durable over the years.
Bottles are opaque, like back in the day, you won’t see the exact tones through them, we include a picture of the colours for your reference.